Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A camera shy little sister and an excited big brother

Here is the wonderful first peek we got of our little lady!

She was definitely feeling a little camera shy though.  We were told to give her modeling lessons before next time. :)

We had a fun little "gender reveal" party for our family.  I learned that my hunch was right: always go with the two year old's guess when it comes to these kinds of things. :)
Although he has recently changed his guess to "two babies."  (I think he was getting tired of being asked boy or girl, so his thinking went like this: "girl baby...and boy baby...two babies!")  Pretty sure the ultrasound would have shown that, buddy.  I am of course a little nervous for the whole change to two children, but I am so excited to see him as a big brother!  I showed him the ultrasound picture and so have had to start the whole explanation of the baby is in mommy's tummy and we need to wait until she grows before we can see her.  I was told that many two year old's are oblivious to the whole concept, but not Noah!  He will now tell you where the baby is and lifts up my shirt and asks to see and hold her.  He also said thank you for the baby in mama's tummy while we were praying tonight.  Such a sweet boy.

She was measuring closer to 18 weeks than 20 weeks, so my doctor adjusted my due date to the end of September.  It's hard not to be a little worried, but he said everything looks healthy and consistently small, so it really is much more likely that the original due date was off rather than she is already growth restricted.  I will have another ultrasound in a few weeks to make sure her she is growing at a steady rate.

What a special day to get that first peek and to hear that she is healthy.  I was scrolling though Facebook the other day and realizing that among people I know there are those that are wishing they were pregnant, wishing they could get pregnant at all, waiting in the long adoption process, or facing the situation of knowing their baby will not survive past birth.  (I think of what a miracle it is that any baby is ever born healthy period!)  My mama's heart aches for them, and is full of joy and amazement that I get to raise my wonderful boy and now carry this little girl.  Surely I have been entrusted with a great treasure.