It is hard to believe it has been a whole year since we welcomed our tiny precious Noah into the world. One year ago I was very sick and had to have emergency surgery to save us both. One year ago he was under 2 pounds and depending on advanced medical equipment and a whole team of highly trained medical staff to keep him alive. Looking at him now, you would never guess that was how it started. He is a very healthy, very happy, very mobile, very adorable little boy. I love that little boy more than I know what to do with. I love being his mama.
I kind of feel like we have finally let out a breath we have been holding for a whole year: that really did happen; we really did get through it; and we really are here now. All of those things have a lot of emotions that go with them.
I actually managed to hold it together through most of his birthday party yesterday. Until we opened his present from Auntie Nea.

The hat on the left was too big for him last Christmas.
What a difference a year makes.
Wow, that picture just takes your breath away. Happy Birthday Noah!!