We have been having crazy warm weather here lately! I am a pretty huge fan of snow and winter, but I'll admit it has been really nice to get outside more (minus all the snow gear), especially with a 2 year old boy. (Not that I trust this weather. It will probably snow as soon as we're used to the warmth...) We have been spending a lot of time outside enjoying all kinds of spring-y activities.
We also had to do a little bit of shopping for a necessary addition to our spring wardrobe:

This makes me so happy. :) I just love these boots! (Noah said I had to get some too and picked them out for me.
We have been enjoying bubbles:

Grilled food:

And Noah's favorite thing of all, riding on the lawnmower:

Seriously, this kid would ride on that thing forever. I cannot tell you how many times a day he asks for it...

Happy Spring!
This is just all too darn cute!!!