Sunday, October 10, 2010

This week we have been up to our eyeballs in appointments! PT, OT, this office to change times and that one to the carseat, out of the carseat...
There was another meeting of the NICU Family Advisory Council, and we got to teleconference in. How technologically advanced of us. :)
And the most fun "appointment" is that we had our first ECFE baby class. Noah got to wear a new outfit and his girlfriend (one of them :) is in the class too. Okay, I suppose he didn't appreciate the cute factor of either one of those too terribly much, but he did seem to like to see all the other babies and he loves to be out and about and smile at his adoring public. And yes, I will admit it--I am that mom with camera in one hand and hand sanitizer in the other... :)
So I think it will be a lot of fun overall, but there is also that twinge of unidentified jumbled NICU emotions that comes up. Because pretty much every question that comes up in a "baby class" like this I answer a little differently, and every topic that is discussed I come at from a different angle, and there is that little voice of "you don't know what it's like" that pops up.
Yup, still processing. Actually I've been doing that a lot lately. And for some reason it kind of helps to blog about it. AND November is prematurity awareness month. AND the March of Dimes has an official "Fight for Preemies" blog event on November 17. So you can expect more prematurity/NICU/random-Ellie-processing-thoughts posts in the next month or so. And if you have a blog consider joining this event and blogging in honor of a preemie you know. Needless to say, this is now something very important to me and a very worthwhile cause. Some of the advances the March of Dimes has been a part of regarding treating preemies are some of the things that saved Noah's life. Think about it...
Learn more here.

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